WEDGE-IT® is a Class A Fire Rated, Above-Deck Insulation, specifically made for tile roofs.
A simple, low cost product made from EPS foam that—as a component of an installation system—is designed to meet the 2019 T24-Part 6 HPA requirements for reducing heat transfer into the attic and living space of a residential building.
Report Date: May 20, 2019
Type of Test: Roofing Assembly ( Class “A” Burning Brand ASTM E-108)
Reason for Test: Verification of maintaining class A rating.
Laboratory Number: 3963-18-04
Tested By/At:Ramtech Laboratories
Wedge-It Above-Deck Insulation Assembly:

The fire test series were conducted to show that WEDGE-IT Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) boards would not in any way degrade the Class “A” fire rating of a typical concrete or clay tile roofing assembly. EPS foam is supplied by Premier Industries, Inc./DBA Insulfoam which has an ICBO, ES Report No. ER—3414. Wedge-It tapered boards are produced in several sizes and thickness’ to accommodate the numerous roofing tile configurations that are being produced for today’s market place.
The heat-affected area was confined to the immediate area of the brand placement and marginally above the brand. There was no displacement of the concrete tile observed during or after the tests. Also, there wasn’t any distress noted on the WEDGE-IT boards on the test deck specimens throughout the exposure period. Removal of the Type 30 underlayment indicated the plywood deck was discolored from the melting asphalt but there were no signs of charring on the plywood. Based on the results of these Burning Brand Tests, it is our professional opinion that the WEDGE-IT Roofing system easily meets the Class “A” Burning Brand Requirements.
To the extent tested, the client’s roof-deck assembly meets the conditions of acceptance as described in ASTM E-108 for a Class “A” Roof Assembly when constructed with the building components described in Section 2.1 of this report
Ramtech Laboratories, Inc. Reports are for the exclusive use of the client to whom they are addressed. Permission is granted to reproduce this Report provided it is reproduced entirely. The use of the name Ramtech Laboratories, Inc. in any advertising or related materials must have prior written approval Reports apply only to samples tested and are not necessarily indicative of the quality of apparently Identical or similar products. Ramtech Laboratories, Inc. is a recognized Testing Laboratory with the City of Los Angeles.